My brain is not forming coherent thoughts to talk about big issues. So instead, lets have a fun post. Work in progress. The pumpkin puffy pants are coming along nicely. Just a few more sequins to sew, need to cut out pieces for the bottom of the pant legs. The hardest decision is the closure at the top. Am I going to sew button holes? Button loops? I guess I should make a decision and pick out buttons. If that was not enough, there is also an orange double circle skirt petticoat in the works. The skirt hem is done, ruffle strips are not quite all hemmed, but that shouldn't take too long to finish. I need to get some of these big projects done so that I can make a few quick things like a kirtle. Take some time to be creative. Don't wait until tomorrow when you can be fabulous today. Don't laugh at others unless you have laughed at yourself first.
The first two projects of 2025 have been completed. Only 23 left for the year. Did I bite off more than I can chew? Possibly, but I do know that we will have fun attempting to achieve this goal. There are number of new sew leather makes. I saw one or two over the top ruffled and fancy makes so lets continue to have fun sewing, making and being healthy in 2025.