The needle in the side of your spirit. When nothing feels right, running around the same hamster wheel. Shift needs to happen, what is stopping the change. Am I still in my own way? Even after all of these years. It is like the shoes that are worn through but the discomfort you know feels less terrifying than the one you don't. Knowing that I am not living up to my fullest potential. Why do I settle? The weather is hot, making everything feel more uncomfortable. As if I can just fidget the hours away and something will change. Stop being the NPC in your game of life. Why pretend to be another character? Be the best version of the character that is you. Play your own game, you make the rules.
The first two projects of 2025 have been completed. Only 23 left for the year. Did I bite off more than I can chew? Possibly, but I do know that we will have fun attempting to achieve this goal. There are number of new sew leather makes. I saw one or two over the top ruffled and fancy makes so lets continue to have fun sewing, making and being healthy in 2025.